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How to manage cache?
Cache causes some of the worst problems while browsing the Internet. This problem can be resolved by regularly deleting cache. Here is how you can delete cache in Chrome:
Go to history and choose the recent history
In the next step you have to select the time for which you want to remove cache.
Choose the time for which you want to delete from the drop down.
If you want to delete the entire cache, select ‘everything’
In the ‘details’ you have to select the element of history that you want to eliminate.
If you want to delete cache completely, you have to select everything.
How to delete history
Go to menu and select settings and from the drop down that appears select‘Privacy & Security.’
Here you will have to choose the option ‘Clear private data.’
Select the part of history you want to delete and then choose Clear data.
Chrome offers many useful shortcuts; here are some which you may require often:
Google Chrome keeps crashing
You Tube is not working in Chrome
Reset Google Chrome
Chrome keeps closing
Google Chrome not working
Google Chrome Repair
Google Chrome page loading time
Google Chrome keeps crashing
You Tube is not working in Chrome
Reset Google Chrome
Chrome keeps closing
Google Chrome not working
Google Chrome Repair
Google Chrome page loading time
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